Brief Introduction to REWU
We are working for the Wellbeing of the Workers, their families and Society
REWU is a Rwandan Extractive Industry Workers Union, which is organizing all workers in Mining, Quarry Companies and cooperatives in Rwanda since 2014 and has a sounding experience in social dialogue with mine and quarry companies’ owners as well as to organize, mobilize and sensitize their employees. This sector employs around 120,000 workers.
Rwanda Extractive Industry Workers Union (REWU) is affiliated to CESTRAR (Central de Syndicats des Travailleurs au Rwanda) and National Commission of Human Rights (NCHR) at national level, to the COSOC – GL ”coalition des organisations de la societe civile luttant contre l’exploitation illegale des ressources naturelles dans la Region des Grand Lacs” (COSOC-GL), it is also an affiliate at international level to the IndustriALL Global Union, and to the Building Wood Workers International Union (BWI);
REWU is a key partner of Ministry of public services and labor (MIFOTRA), Rwanda mines, petroleum and gas board (RMB), Provinces and Districts in local government; Rwanda Mining Association (RMA) and Rwanda Quarry Association (RQA) as employer’s professional organizations in mining sector as well as national commission of human rights (NCHR).
Rwanda Extractive Industry Workers Union (REWU) is affiliated to CESTRAR (Central de Syndicats des Travailleurs au Rwanda); to the COSOC – GL” coalition des organisations de la societe civile luttant contre l’exploitation illegale des ressources naturelles dans la Region des Grand Lacs” (COSOC-GL); it is also an affiliate at international level to the IndustriALL Global Union through STRIGECOMI federation and to the Building Wood Workers International Union (BWI).
- Bring together workers in areas of extractive industry and related activities to better defend their socio-professional interests;
- Maintain and develop, among the extractive workers, unity and solidarity
- Represent its members and defend their interests with their respective employers and associations of the latter, with different partners, public administration and the judiciary;
- Contribute to all decisions concerning extractive workers and their families;
- Fight against worst form child labor;
- Ensure strict enforcement of social legislation and respect of collective agreements;
- Work towards the promotion of democracy and social justice within companies
+250 788461058 / 788307153
Rwanda Extractive Industry Workers Union is partnering with World Vision Rwanda since 2019 in the Implementation of the program called ITER (It takes every Rwandan to end child exploitation) which deals with campaigning for child rights protection and fight against any form of child abuse like child labor and child sexual abuse. This partnership is implemented in seven Districts, which are Karongi, Ngororero, Karongi, Nyamasheke, Rusizi, Huye and Gisagara and TFE activities in Nyagatare District.
REWU is also collaborating with UNICEF in the project for setting up Early Childhood Development (ECDs) in mines and quarries with the purpose of encouraging women inclusion in mining sector, as they are often being vulnerable and lack of childcare facilities at working place. This partnership with UNICEF started in 2020 and is being implemented in two pilot sites (New Bugarama Mining (NBM) and Wolfram Mining Processing (WMP)Gifurwe then identified other 15 companies located at Rulindo, Gakenke, Rwamagana, Muhanga, Nyarugenge, Rutsiro , Rubavu and Kayonza Districts.
REWU is in partnership with UNWOMEN in the project for promoting equal rights for all (Women and Men) in MUHANGA and GAKENKE mines. From which REWU has done an assessment to help with a baseline information and data on sexual harassment and gender-based violence in mining companies that will serve as an evidence based planning, advocacy and decision making towards women and girls rights and access to employment especially in the mining sector in Rwanda.
REWU was published in Rwanda Official Gazette No. 49 Bis of 08/12/2014.
On one hand, REWU acts as a channel through which workers or union members pass their ideas, problems and aspirations related to work in order to improve their well-being and on another hand, it has a duty of working with members, community and leaders at all levels to combat any form of child abuse and domestic violence.